Ripples Chichester on 3 years as a couple in business

Deciding to go into business with your significant other is a bold move, but for many couples, the idea of merging personal and professional lives into a single venture is as enticing as it is challenging. We caught up with husband-and-wife team Helen and Derek Brown to find out more about their journey of going into business together as the owners of Ripples Chichester. 

What did you both do before joining Ripples? 

 Derek - My background is in kitchens and I’ve been the Head of Procurement for a contract kitchen company for several years. 

Helen - I also have a background in kitchens and, prior to joining Ripples, worked as a Kitchen Sales Consultant. I first trained as an Interior Designer over 20 years ago and ran my own Interior Design company for several years. 


What gave you the idea to go into business together? 

Helen - I’d say the idea was very much driven by me! It had always been my dream to have my own showroom and before I’d even met Derek, I’d already started conversations with the team at Ripples about one day opening my own bathroom showroom. During my time as an Interior Designer, I was exposed to several contract bathroom projects and that’s where I got ‘the bug’ for designing bathrooms.  

 Derek - When Helen broached the subject of owning our own showroom, I already knew it was something she’d considered for several years. I was also excited by the prospect of having our own business, so in 2021 we jointly decided to take the plunge!  

What's the biggest positive of working together? 

Helen – Personally, I feel really supported. We are both in the same boat and everything we’re working towards is for us.  

Derek – I genuinely enjoy going to work everyday. 


What’s the biggest challenge of working together? 

Helen – When we don’t agree on something! Luckily it doesn’t happen very often. 

Derek – I think it’s important to have very specific roles within the business and to try and ‘stay in your lane’ as much as possible. Of course we help each other when needed but I take care of the ‘back of house’ and that means Helen can fully concentrate on the areas that she excels in – sales and design. 


What advice would you give another couple thinking about going into business together? 

Helen – Make sure you look at every aspect of how running your own business may impact your lives. It's going to be hard work so be prepared for a complete life overhaul! 

 Derek – Have’s going to be stressful at times but the hard work really does pay off in the end. It’s so rewarding building our business together. 


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